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St John Baptist Church of Alex St John Baptist Church of Alex

Photo Gallery: Baptism Services Photo Gallery Photo Gallery: Baptism Services Photo Gallery

Baptism Services Photo Gallery
Baptism Candidates
Viewed 1726 times
Minister Charles A. Hall
Viewed 1809 times
Sis. Gloria Deyo
Viewed 1828 times
Sis. Gloria Deyo
Viewed 1828 times
Sis. Harriet Kerns
Viewed 1787 times
Sis. Harriet Kerns
Viewed 1708 times
Sis. Sheila Hawkins
Viewed 1844 times
Sis. Sheila Hawkins
Viewed 1746 times
Trustee Richard Diggs
Viewed 1757 times
Trustee Richard Diggs
Viewed 1762 times
Minister Hall & Sis. Deyo
Viewed 1849 times
Minister Hall & Sis. Kerns
Viewed 1860 times
Minister Hall & Sis. Hawkins
Viewed 1816 times
Minister Hall & Trustee Diggs
Viewed 1813 times
Deacons Lawrence and Heggs
Viewed 1761 times
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