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St John Baptist Church of Alex St John Baptist Church of Alex

You're Invited to a Special Meal You're Invited to a Special Meal

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You're Invited to a Special Meal

Posted on Fri, Jun 10, 2011

Every Sunday at 10 AM

Are you hungry for the Word of God? Do you need a sense of direction and purpose for your life? Do you desire a deeper more personal and intimate relationship with God? Do you desire to be saved? If you answered yes, to any of these questions we invite and encourage you to join us for a scrumptious meal. The table is set and a different meal is prepared weekly by none other than, "The Obedient Chef" aka Pastor Charles A. Hall. You may have heard of The Iron Chef, The Top Chef, and The Master Chef, but now we introduce you to The Obedient Chef. He has studied exclusively under the tutorage of the
Supreme Universe Chef, I AM (aka God); the one who made the universe with the purest ingredients...His Words!

Each week The Obedient Chef serves up culinary delights [like love, patience, forgiveness, obedience, and faithfulness to name a few]. Delicious meals fit for royalty that if properly consumed will help you live an abundant and successful life. These morsels are based on time tested and tried biblical recipes taken from the ultimate recipe book...The Bible.

Each week The Obedient Chef labors to come up with the appropriate menu, but the choice isn't his, hence the title "The Obedient Chef." The menu is decided by I AM; only those menu items approved by I AM are served each week...yes, it's labor intensive because The Obedient Chef must taste every meal before it can be served to others, but the outcome is so worth it! Sometimes the dishes are sweet and pleasing to the palate; other times they can be salty, bitter and hard to digest. The meals are served in a variety of ways, something for everyone from `a la carte to smorgasbord buffets, but all of the meals are good for
spiritual growth!

So join us this Sunday at 10a.m., and see what's on the menu at SJBC, you'll be glad you came and we'll be glad to serve you a meal you won't soon forget! See ya Sunday!



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