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Worship Motivators for 2021 Worship Motivators for 2021

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Worship Motivators for 2021

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Worship Motivators for 2021

Posted on Mon, Jan 4, 2021



As we approach the beginning of a new year, we must consider the challenges that lie ahead of us and what is required of us to overcome these challenges to enable St John to have an effective ministry for Jesus Christ.


We will focus on Jesus – Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, so we must not lean to our own understanding, but stay razor focused on Him during these times of uncertainty and challenge. This too shall pass…


COVID-19 – We will continue to worship within the physical constraints of this coronavirus as led by the Holy Spirit and in compliance with CDC and State guidelines.


We will effectively use technology in our worship services – We will commit to identify and implement state of the art technology and media platforms that will enhance our worship experiences while also allowing us to disseminate the gospel to the nations.


We will not become overly dependent on technology because of fear  We will use technology for the resource and tool that it is… not out of fear of on-site worship services.  God has not given us a spirit of fear.


We will not compromise the Word of God – We will preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ unapologetically and not be preoccupied with an everchanging culture and society.  There is still more land to possess for the Kingdom.  Therefore, we will not conform to the world, but bring light to it.


We will commit to do things God’s way – We are called out to be different…God’s ambassadors. God calls us peculiar people, the salt of the earth and made in His image; therefore, we will lead in such a manner we identify as true representatives of Him.  In 2021, we will strive for excellence at all levels of ministry, Amen. Somebody say… Jesus!