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St John Baptist Church of Alex St John Baptist Church of Alex


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Posted on Fri, Jan 27, 2012

Pastoral Installation Services

Dear Guests,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Preliminary plans are underway to celebrate the Pastoral Installation of Pastor Elect Charles A. Hall and the welcoming of First Lady Ruby W. Hall.

This is the reason we are posting this save-the-date announcement. We are prayerful that your schedule will allow you to attend the planned festivities scheduled for March 21-25, 2012; which include Evening Worship Services on Wednesday thru Friday, March 21st-23rd at 7:00PM nightly at the Lee Center, 1108 Jefferson Street, Alexandria; a Pre-Installation Banquet on Saturday, March 24th at 6:00PM at the Holiday Inn, 2460 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria and culiminating on Sunday, March 25th with Morning Worship at 10:00AM and the Pastoral Installation Service at 3:30PM at the Lee Center. Tickets for the banquet must be purchased in advance. A block of hotel rooms will be available for out-of-town guests. Information on how to make reservations will be provided in your invitation.

Official invitations will be sent in the next 30 days. In the interim, you may continue to visit this web site for the latest information as it becomes available. 

We look forward to seeing and fellowshipping with you as we celebrate God's blessing of a new Pastor and First Lady!

P.S. To ensure the widest dissemination, please share this information with others.