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SJBC Doing the Work of God in Haiti SJBC Doing the Work of God in Haiti

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SJBC Doing the Work of God in Haiti

Posted on Mon, Mar 18, 2013

UPDATE: Mission Complete - Team HCP Returns (see photos in gallery)

Outreach at St John Baptist Church is the members' faithful response to God's grace.
We serve by working together with partners, locally and globally, building relationships, and sharing our time, talents and financial resources.

It is for this reason SJBC is partnering with Brothers and Sisters Who Care and Second Chance United Ministries to build a new 500 sq ft sanctuary in Desroulin, Port-de-Paix, Haiti for the Emmanuel Baptist Church congregation. 

During the first week of April 2-11, Pastor Charles A. Hall will lead a construction team comprised of men from SJBC and Tabernacle Baptist Church with the goal of building a new church building in one week. 

We have no doubt this venture will be successful and we seek your prayers that it will be done in such a manner that it glorifies God.