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New! Elderly Property Tax Credit for Prince George's Maryland Residents New! Elderly Property Tax Credit for Prince George's Maryland Residents

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New! Elderly Property Tax Credit for Prince George's Maryland Residents

Posted on Thu, May 11, 2023

The below information is provided as a Public Service Announcement for dissemination to elderly homeowners who are residents in Prince George's County, Maryland.  A new elderly tax credit program is being initiated for individuals 65 and older.  Please share this information with other family and friends who may be eligible to participate in the program.  The application pdf is also attached for convenience.  See announcement below:


New! Elderly Property Tax Credit

CB-029-2022-Property-Tax-Credit-for-Elderly-Individuals (PDFThis new credit, effective July 1, 2023, will provide up to a 20% credit of the County property taxes, inclusive of any Homeowners and Homestead Tax Credit, for up to 5 years. Applications will be made available in Spring 2023. To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria: 

1. Age 65 and over, AND 

2. Own and reside at property for which credit is sought for at least the previous 10 years, AND 

3. The assessed value does not exceed $500,000 at the time of application, AND

 4. The application is made by October 1 of the fiscal year the credit is sought.  

Elderly Property Tax Credit Application (click on link for a fillable application to print)

Elderly Property Tax Credit Application FAQs

**An online portal will be available soon to electronically submit the application.