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St John Baptist Church of Alex St John Baptist Church of Alex

Merry Christmas Greetings From Pastor & First Lady Hall Merry Christmas Greetings From Pastor & First Lady Hall

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Merry Christmas Greetings From Pastor & First Lady Hall

Posted on Mon, Dec 26, 2022

Unto Us A Child Is Born

Message highlights are below to download the actual greeting click on the attachments button above.


Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to the saints of the St. John Baptist Church of Alexandria Virginia, and our friends. The Hall family extends our best wishes for a safe and enjoyable Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that you will take the time during this holiday season to reach out to your family and friends to let them know how much you care and appreciate them. We pray that this will be a season of thanksgiving, thanking the Lord for keeping us during difficult and uncertain days. We may not have everything that we want, but God has provided us with everything that we need, and for that we should be grateful, and appreciative. We also pray that this season will bring healing and forgiveness so we can come together as a people and love each other the way God has instructed us to. As we gather together with our family and loved ones to fellowship and share gifts, let us not forget the greatest gift of all, the gift from God the father for allowing His only Son to come into this sin filled world to be a sacrifice for all our sins, so that we who believe can be saved from eternal damnation. Sister Ruby and I are humbled, and grateful for the love that our St. John family continues to show us, we are so honored and thankful that God has continued to allow us to serve as your Pastor and First Lady. Please know that the Hall family loves you and is praying for God’s favor and blessings for you, and your family as you celebrate the birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ. Remember, Jesus is the Only Reason for the Season! Pastor Charles, Ruby Hall, and Family.