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St John Baptist Church of Alex St John Baptist Church of Alex

Photo Gallery: Outreach Ministry Shoe Drive, 3-20-21 Photo Gallery: Outreach Ministry Shoe Drive, 3-20-21

Outreach Ministry Shoe Drive, 3-20-21
Shoe Drive, 3-20-21

Viewed 300 times
Shoe Drive, 3-20-21

Viewed 318 times
Shoe Drive, 3-20-21

Viewed 322 times
Shoe Drive, 3-20-21

Viewed 312 times
Shoe Drive, 3-20-21

Viewed 313 times
Shoe Drive, 3-20-21

Viewed 322 times
Shoe Drive, 3-20-21

Viewed 322 times
Shoe Drive, 3-20-21

Viewed 311 times